Mater Salvatoris is committed to quality education.Academic rigour is an essential requirement for an education that seeks excellence in all areas.

Mater Salvatoris is committed to Christian education. The mark the School leaves on its students is a testament to the importance it attaches to human and spiritual education in a healthy climate of happiness, freedom and respect.

Mater Salvatoris is committed to people. Once part of the School, students can rest assured that every effort will be made to help them overcome all the obstacles they face.

Mater Salvatoris is committed to culture. One of the School’s characteristics is its commitment to fostering a love and appreciation of all facets of art and culture.

Mater Salvatoris is committed to friendship.At Mater, we develop emotional intelligence, kindness and the art of coexisting, helping our students to be happy and to form bonds that last a lifetime.